A Physically & Psychologically Healthier Way to Live, Learn, & Play
Beyond Competition

A Physically & Psychologically Healthier Way to Live, Learn, & Play
Beyond Competition


Beginners find that the simple, logical teaching progression makes the learning process easier. We start at the beginning and go from there. The non-competitive learning system greatly diminishes the pressure to succeed and reassures people who do not develop as quickly that they will be able to learn this challenging sport. Slowing down and clarifying the learning process allows even the most uncoordinated or unconfident person to gradually experience success.

Intermediates are better able to understand how the learning process works and realize what basics they are missing and then go back and develop those missing pieces. Practical methods are given to help undo “less than optimal” physical and psychological habits, which allows players to improve to the fullest of their abilities.

Advanced players should have most of the physical aspects of the game together so the main benefits for them come in the mental and emotional areas. This program teaches advanced players how to be more relaxed under pressure, dramatically improve their concentration skills, and enables them to get into the “effortless” zone, stay in that zone longer, and when they lose the zone, how to get back into it.

Juniors build a strong foundation in the physical, mental, and emotional fundamentals, which empowers them to develop as far as they desire. They are also learning important life skills such as patience, perseverance, self-motivation, and personal responsibility, which they will be able to transfer to all areas of their lives.

Seniors get a good physical workout, which keeps them healthier, without putting as much strain on their bodies. As we get older we all need some form of physical exercise to keep our body functioning in a healthy way. The relaxation and concentration skills will keep their minds sharp for many years.

Mixed Doubles, for those into competition, gets a real boost because the non-competitive approach makes it easier for couples to play together in harmony, helping keep their relationship strong.

Ideal Learning Environment—The relaxed, supportive, non-competitive atmosphere creates ideal conditions for optimal learning and developing to the fullest of your abilities.

Better Physical Workout—By working cooperatively and sustaining the rally for as long as possible, instead of trying to end it as quickly as possible, students get a better physical workout. Tennis has always been categorized as an anaerobic sport. Effortless Tennis is more aerobic.

Great Mental and Emotional Workout—Not only are you getting a great physical workout but you are simultaneously getting a wonderful mental and emotional workout. Anything that helps you attain better concentration, enables you to relax under pressure, work through some of your emotional trigger areas (baggage), and have more fun, is something that benefits everyone.

Working Cooperatively—A psychologically and spiritually healthier approach to life.

Reduces Tension & Frustration—The relaxed, non-competitive approach reduces stress and allows everyone to develop at his or her own pace. The us versus them dynamic is absent. Failure is ok; it is an integral part of the learning process.

Boosts Confidence & Self-esteem—You can see and feel yourself improving. You begin to realize that you can succeed at a challenging sport, which produces confidence in other areas of life. All you need to be is the best you can be, not what someone else can be, or what someone else wants you to be. A secure inner confidence slowly develops.

Makes Learning Easier—Learning is easier because you have a detailed roadmap of the journey ahead. Step A leads to Step B. Slow and steady leads to more success. Also, by learning how to learn, it makes it easier to learn the next activity you want to learn.

Makes Learning & Playing More Enjoyable—The non-competitive approach diminishes pressure, enabling you to better enjoy the learning process and become a better tennis player. If you want to be your best, you’ve got to have fun while doing it.

Maximizes Potential—A solid foundation in the physical, mental, and emotional fundamentals allows you to develop as far as you desire, without limitation. Competing before learning the fundamentals limits skill levels, long term potential, and enjoyment.

Helps Develop Important Life Skills—Through learning Effortless Tennis you develop the life skills of patience, perseverance, self-motivation, and personal responsibility. These skills will prove invaluable in the rest of your life. It is virtually impossible to learn in this atmosphere without having or developing these important attributes.

Less Chance of Injury—By learning how to hit all the shots efficiently, not trying too hard, and not muscling the ball, you are less likely to get injured and will be able to play for many years.

Improves Reaction Time—By programming efficient information into the cellular memory, you are able to react faster to a situation without having to think about what to do consciously. Thinking dramatically slows down reaction time.

Increases Consistency—If you can just keep the ball in play, you can have a great time. Consistency is the first key to becoming a good player. Unforced errors are the bane of all tennis players. Beating yourself is no fun.

Promotes Equality of the Sexes—Finally, men and women are able to play on equal terms, none of this macho, domination stuff. Working together to be your best, not trying to show your superiority.

Practice at Home—Being able to work on and improve some of your physical skills (stroke mechanics, footwork, and ball toss for serve) without having to be on the court makes the whole process easier and faster.

Cumulative Effect—Because of the use of slow motion learning and repetition in the process and the fact that we don’t move onto the more advanced material before the basic material is learned, there is significantly better retention of what is learned. It gets programmed deeply into the cellular memory. The cumulative effect is one of the major benefits of the program. Learn it efficiently from the beginning and it will stay with you for the rest of your life.